Our Tax Return Preparation Process
Receive Tax Return Package: We will send you:
Engagement Letter
Tax Organizer
Tax Questionnaire
Provide Your Tax Information by March 5, 2024. You send us:
Signed Engagement Letter
Completed Tax Organizer
Completed Tax Questionnaire
Relax – Tax Return Preparation (3-4 weeks). Our team:
Reaches out to you
Requests clarification and additional information, if needed
Prepares your returns and submits them for quality review
Deliver Tax Return by Due Dates.
You receive a copy of your tax returns from us
If e-filing, sign and return your e-file forms to us (once accepted, we will send you the e-file confirmation)
If paper filing, sign and mail your returns to the address provided
Provide Feedback on our Performance.
We request your opinion
You fill out our survey and tell us how we did